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Japanese child is under the cover. But then they began to speak Zhulao. He said to the crowd. They government. Never talked about the topic of rare earth population. If you say that someone speculate. And caused unnecessary panic words. It only shows that you do not understand the situation on the domestic coach outlet. That caused a cognitive bias. coach factory Is to go the road of socialist market economy. Government intervention in the market will not be answered the phone. Unless it is a clear indication of rare earth exports as a strategic resource can not pass legislation.

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This determination is very strong. While the other person was thinking. The boss 's remarks are another layer in it. Once the decision is national legislation prohibiting the export of strategic resources, then the export of rare earth resources may be completely yellow. In particular, the policy group specializes Chinese people in Japan. It is carefully weighing the boss 's remarks were an attempt to find some clues. coach factory Cartridges steps to facilitate decision-making for China 's commercial activities oriented. Although doubts.


